Tuesday, 29 March 2016

F325 revision resources

Dear Year 13

I have put together a set of revision questions to help you with your F325 revision this holiday (mark scheme and examiners report included).  It's really important that you are frequently revising and testing your knowledge of the course.  You will need to divide your time between preparing for your final evaluative paper (see below) revising F325 and F324.

Remember - knowing all of the content of the course will get you to around a grade C (in both papers).  Higher grades come from being able to apply your knowledge and answer questions in new contexts.

Next term we should aim to practice the higher grade skills (as soon as we finish transition metals).  To do this you will have to already have learnt the course (that we have covered so far).

13b - I have also included a powerpoint on the colours of select transition metals in solution and in their hydroxide precipitates.  Please work through the powerpoint and learn these colours.

Easter resources

Enjoy your holiday!

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Hi ll,

The following links are for the preparation of the evaluative when you get back.
13E and B Tuesday 12th April


Table for all the tests that you will need to be familiar with

I hope that you have a restful break

Many thanks

Miss Chauhan

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Hi all,

Please click on the link below for the analysis questions that I gave you in the lesson. It also includes the markscheme and examiners report



Miss Chauhan

Friday, 4 March 2016


The tricky redox questions and Year 12 redox booklet are both now in the electrode potentials folder. Use any of the links below to get to the Year 13 resources folder.


Task for those that missed a lesson last week

In the Year 13 resources is a ppt and a reflection sheet that I would like you to fill in.

