Thursday, 18 May 2017

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Friday, 12 May 2017

Mark Schemes for Mock Papers


I will put mark schemes in this folder as you have completed the paper.

Ms Elias

Friday, 5 May 2017

ERA absence

Ms Elias has kindly agreed to arrange your Unified Chemistry Mocks.  13C have been informed.  13E you can speak to LEL on Monday.  When you are not doing a mock, please continue with your revision.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

13dCh - LEL absent on May 9th


I don't think I'll be in our lesson on May 9th. I'm involved in a whole day activity but not sure whether I'll need to be there in this lesson slot and probably won't know until the morning. I will cancel the register, but if you want to see if I'm in please do just pop by.

Ms Elias

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

13CCh - LEL and ERA absent Tuesday 9th May


Both ERA and I are away on Tuesday 9th May, when your unified themes paper is taking place. I want to reschedule this to take place between 1330-1500 on Wednesday10th May - starting in our period 5 lesson and pushing through tutor time and into after school.

If you cannot attend this could you please look at the schedule and see if one of the other slots will fit or come and see me to book in for another time.

Ms Elias

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Organic Papers


You can come and see your mark if you would like - just pop by BR02, and I'll give you your paper

The mark scheme is here and you should go through this paper at HOME and then see me in lessons with problems, when you can also help each other.

The results were really great for some, and a long way from great for others, so it would be helpful to talk about how you're revising and the work you've been doing if you're not happy with your mark.

See you later in the week,
Ms Elias